Brief 100: Drehbuchautor aus L.A. unterrichtet im writers´studio! Und andere 20-Jahre-Feierlichkeiten

Liebe Schreibende,

das ist also das 100. Blog-Mailing! Es kommt zum 20. Geburtstag des writers´studio. 20 Jahre, 15.000 verkaufte „Frei geschrieben-Bücher“, 100 Blog-Mails, über 30 Trainer*innen im writers´ studio. Doch eigentlich geht es bei uns nie um solche Zahlen, sondern um jede einzelne schreibende Person und jeden einzelnen Text. Beide brauchen viel Zeit, Aufmerksamkeit, Kreativität und eine wohlwollende Community.

Anlässlich 20 Jahre writers´ studio hat Ida Räther eine Collage für uns gebastelt: Die Freiheitsstatue sitzt in einem Wiener Kaffeehaus: „20 Jahre Freewriting & Friendly Feedback in Wien und online“. Andrea Schiffer hat unser Logo vergoldet, wir bereiten uns also intensiv auf die Feierlichkeiten in den nächsten Monaten vor. Folgt uns auf Instagram (neu!), kommt zur Writers Summer Residency und den vergünstigten Sommer-Workshops! Merkt euch 22.-24. September vor: da steigt die große „Goldene 20er Jahre des writers´studio“- Party, gefolgt von 20 goldenen Kurz-Workshops beim Open House.

Im Passion Writing-Lehrgang zeigt sich besonders gut, wie wir die klassischen amerikanischen Methoden des Creative Writing in den deutschsprachigen Raum gebracht haben. Beim Infoabend am Mo, 13. Juni 2022 ist Dean Movshovitz aus Los Angeles per Zoom live dabei. Der israelisch-amerikanische Drehbuchautor und -Coach verfasste das Buch „Pixar Storytelling“. Wir sind so happy, ihn für einen Zoom-Workshop zu Screenwriting (Start 3. Sept.) gewonnen zu haben, ein paar Plätze sind noch frei. Wer in Deans Art zu arbeiten reinschnuppern will: er hält am Fr, 2. Juli eine Schreibnacht.

Ich kann euch sagen, ich schreibe (voraussichtlich) kein Drehbuch, bin aber bei Deans Screenwriting-Seminar fix dabei (auch als Übersetzerin)! Ich möchte nämlich mit diesem Storytelling-Experten an meinem Amerika-Memoir (Rohtext ist fertig) arbeiten! Yeah! Ich habe Dean für euch gefragt, was er so vorhat in seinem Workshop für das writers´studio.

Judith: Dean, let´s jump right in. What is special about your Screenwriting workshop at the writers´studio? What can we most look forward to?
Dean: We will really be breaking down the core elements of what a story is, and especially what are the components of a good film story. While participants will be expected to write a scene towards the end of the program, the emphasis will be about developing and exploring your ideas through various “ways in”

Dean, how did you get into screenwriting?
Dean: It started when I was  around 13 years old with reading Stephen King, which got me into  horror movies. And really you meet a lot of the great directors either through King (DePalma, Kubrick, Cronenberg, Reiner), or through horror movies (Spielberg, Hitchcock, Scott). Then while attending a gifted program at highschool that had a heavy emphasis on computers and math, I somehow stumbled on an introductory film class. There they showed us “The Graduate”, films by the Coen Brothers, “The Manchurian Candidate”, and I was hooked. Once I started expressing an interest in writing movies, my mom bought me Syd Field, and a neighbor gave me Robert McKee, and I’ve been writing ever since.

And then you moved to THE city of film… In which ways are you involved in screenwriting processes right now in Los Angeles?

Dean: I’m currently in negotiations about a film I co-created getting optioned, and am consulting a Los Angeles-based production company on screenwriting and story. My book, “Pixar Storytelling”, is taught on college campuses worldwide

I can´t wait to be in your course. For whom is your Zoom Workshop at the writers studio designed?

Dean: The core group should be people interested in screenwriting. However, the problem with most scripts isn’t bad formatting or weak dialogue, but a story that isn’t strong, clear, and unique enough. So in my zoom-workshop the emphasis will be about finding and honing a story concept that could be the basis for a good screenplay. Trying to turn a weak idea into a good screenplay is challenging even for the most talented craftspeople. Recognizing a good story, and figuring what your story’s core is, are the first skills a writer, any writer, needs.

Would it also make sense to take part in your Screenwriting workshop if someone is working on a novel or memoir? How could it inspire, help with those other kinds of writing?

Dean: Yes. We will be talking about what makes a good story. And we use stories at work, at parties, in marketing, and in our artistic/recreational writing. Even if you’re not working on a screenplay, I will teach elements that will help you in those other areas of storytelling.

In your book and teachings you work a lot with Pixar kids movies. What can you show with them particularly well, that can be transferred onto other kind of writing projects?

Dean: I don’t really see Pixar films as kids films. They are as sophisticated as many adult films, and often tackle more important themes in more complicated ways. Pixar’s films are exciting, suspenseful, funny, original and incredibly moving. They have rich, detailed world-building and unforgettable characters. Show me someone who doesn’t want to write a story like that…

We are happy to have you at the writers studio for a „Schreibnacht“ (July 1st) and then for your intensive Zoom-Workshop: 5 evenings (for you in LA mornings) in Sept. and Oct 2022. What are you most looking forward to in these workshops?

Dean: Helping people tell their stories of course. So often people have a unique perspective, or a great idea, and all they need is some technical tips and a bit of a push to get going on their storytelling journey.

Thanks Dean, I have already my ticket for that journey.. with you as a conductor…

Danke, euch allen, dass ihr auf dem Weg des writers´studio mit dabei seid. Wir freuen uns auf die Feierlichkeiten mit euch und auch die neuen Passagiere!


PS:  Schreiben am Land: Heuer im Sommer gibt´s wieder ein Schreib-Retreat im Mittelburgenland direkt an der ungarischen Grenze und ein Nature Writing-Retreat in der Nähe von Retz mit Wanderungen durch den wunderschönen Nationalpark Thayatal.



1. Restplätze Juni-August für Zoom- & Präsenz-Workshops

2. Summer Residency & vergünstigte Workshops im Rahmen der 20-Jahr Feier

3. Vorschau für TIP-Absolvent*innen

4. Kostenlose Infotermine & Infoabende

5. Schreibtreffs